Monday, December 6, 2010

Äll good things must end!

The tour is now over and we've made our way back to Munich by train from Zurich. Both these places are as bleak as!!! I found Zurich the coldest of all. Paul has picked up a cold so is a bit off colour today, but nothing a trip to BMW tomorrow won't fix!! Yesterday was another perfect day in Lucerne - a very beautiful place. Our day started early with a train trip up to the summit of Mt Rigi. It was stunningly beautiful. Snowing all the way up and then beautiful sunshine and diamond glistening snow as white as white can be. We then went by horse and carriage to a traditional Swiss farm for morning tea and a tour of the farm - not what we would call a farm. Pretty smelly too as the animals are housed in barns for the winter. I couldn#t wait to make a quick exit out of there. Then horrors to a chicken farm. Not nice. Put me off chicken!! The rest of the day was free for ambling around the city and shopping. Not much of the latter. Prices in Switzerland are horrendous. You don't get much for your Franc. Our travel companions were a great group - mostly Americans and just a few Aussies and some South Africans. We got on well with two young South African girls who were just delightful.


  1. Sorry to hear about the cold, Paul. So chicken is off the menu eh Marie? Was it free range or battery farm for the chickens? That snow looks lovely but damn cold, hope you have your thermals on.

  2. As snug as two bugs in a carriage.

  3. Paul, you survived a 7.1 earthquake, yet a cold is slowing you down. Let's hope the BMW tour will make up for the cold, wet weather. Marie, with the Franc not buying much, at least the credit card is safe. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Looking forward to catching up. Love to you both.

    Major warning: Ash has his learner licence and is now roaming the streets. No further alerts will be published, your life is now your concern.

    The Andersons

  4. Neuschwanstein looks just beautiful ... we visited it in early Spring some years ago and thought it was magical then, but in the snow it must be extra magical and sparkly! What a fantastic trip you are having, and isn't it great to be mobile despite the snow. Enjoy your last bit of time ... we all look forward to seeing you back safe and sound! Hope you are feeling better Paul! Love to both, Tekla
