Thursday, December 2, 2010

A snowy day in Munich

Well - if you come to Europe at this time of the year you can expect snow - and snow we've sure had all day. It adds to the atmosphere, that's for sure. For us, it has been a virtually free day to check out the Christmas Markets and surrounding sights and shops. Shortly we're off out for a local Bavarian dining experience. Now to some photos, which hopefully will give you a good idea of our experiences so far.

These photos are from Salzburg yesterday. We'll do Munich tomorrow once we get to Innsbruck and find an internet cafe.


  1. fantastic photos - looks just perfect. Hope you get to buy some great "Xmas" stuff - maybe we could have something really cool for our Christmas dinner table :) Happy touring and happy shopping

  2. Hi again,
    I agreee with Jo the photos are awesome. Had coffee with Anne this am. All good. I will email Faye to let her know of your blog. Continue to enjoy.

  3. Paul you look really cold!

  4. it looks like a wonderful trip thus far, and quite a contrast to here! I hope you are in full tourist mode and enjoying the snow, the atmosphere and the European scene ... brilliant photos, can't wait to see more, Tekla

  5. WOW !! Just incredibly beautiful scenes. I would love to experience all this but I don't think Marc could cope with all the Xmas decorations I'd want to bring home. Sounds like you a having a wonderful time and we are all enjoying reading your updates xxx
