Sunday, May 13, 2012

Last day in Israel

Hello again, This is our last day in Israel before we head across the shores to Istanbul tomorrow morning. It's only just 2 hours flight away. We have to get up at 5 am to catch the bus to Tel Aviv airport. The temperature yesterday at the Dead Sea in the sunshine was 40+C. And 34C in the shade. Today we saw some more holy places in Jersualem and Emasus. Add then battled our way through the Muslim crowds at the market on our way to lunch. Quite an experience! The afternoon was spent packing and resting. Today is Sabbat day where the Jews do no work. Interestingly, in the dining rooms there was no toaster or any electrical appliance that requires manual labour to work it. They really take the sabbath seriously and do no work. We have seen many Jews all dressed up walking someplace probably to church. Many different headwear from the plain skull caps to the russian bear hats. Hopefully we'll find a full service internet cafe in Istanbul so we can upload photos. Ciao, Paul and Marie

1 comment:

  1. Boy oh Boy !! Sounds pretty hot over there.
    Love John's photos. Marie, you might regret Paul mentioning these in your Blog. I am determined that the one of you on the camel is going up on a wall in our house.

    Absolutely precious - I laugh every time I look at it.

